Our fiftheen Festival was as popular as ever. Our special guest Jon Smith, BBC Radio Gloucestershire Presenter switched on the lights. We were lucky to have Baily's Beards playing to us during the switch on event. The Festival ended with the Christmas Tree Festival Songs of Praise. Thank you to all who helped with this years Festival.
Trees were displayed by
123 Toddler Group
Alcoholics Anonymous
Aldridge Electricial Installations Ltd
Allsorts Gloucestershire
Alzheimer's Society
Baily's Beads
Blue Monkey Space Time: A Healium Initiative
Brimscombe and Thrupp Womens' Institute
Cheltenham and District Orchid Society
Christina Snell Community Celebrant
Christopher Boodle Organist St. Laurence Church
Churches of the Holy Spirit Paganhill
Cotswold Boatmobility
Cotswold Canal Trust
Cotswold House Care Home
The Cotswold Players
Crown & Sceptre - Knit & Natter Group
Cycling UK (Stroud Valleys Cycling Club)
Daisy Bank Garden Design
David Drew MP and Stroud Constituency Labour Party
The Door Youth Project
Eastcombe WI
Executive Engery
Forgetful Fairy Art Studio
France Lynch WI
Girlguiding Stroud Town District
Gloucestershire Hospital Education Service
Gloucestershire Police Stroud Reception
Grove Park Sheltered Housing
Holy Trinity Church, Slad
Holy Trinity Church Stroud
Home Start Stroud District
Illuminate Stroud
Jean's Patchwork Classes
John Hiatt
The Lily Pad Florist
Listening Post Counselling
Longfields Community Hospice
Marah Trust
Messy Church at St Matthew's Cainscross
Michael Gamble Funeral Directors
Middle of the Hill Community Group
Mid-Glos Amnesty Group
Minchinhampton - Nkokoto Link
Molly's Miracle & Doodle Days Art Therapy and Adrenal Insufficiency Awareness UK
Neighbourhood Ambassadors
Organ Donation Awareness
Pathfinder Railtours
Philip Ford & Son Funeral Directors
Randwick Toddler Group
Rodborough Cub Pack
Rosary Catholic Primary School
Ruscombe Women's Group
Saints Alive
The Salvation Army
Scarlet House Care Home Stroud - Care UK
S.C.A.P.S Primary
Shambles Market
Share and Repair Stonehouse
The Shrubberies School
Siobhan Baillie Prospective Parliamentary Candidate Stroud Conservative Association
Slimbridge Parish WI
South Cotswold Ramblers
SP3 (Stroud Pyramid 3) – A group of retired staff from local schools
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
St Matthews Playgroup
St. Rose's Nursery
Stonehouse Women's Institute
Street Pastors Stroud
Stroud and Stonehouse WEA (Workers' Educational Association)
Stroud Cats Protection
Stroud Ceilidhs
Stroud District Foodbank
Stroud Dog Training Club
Stroud Gardening Club
Stroud Hospitsl League of Friends
Stroud Hub (Guideposts Trust)
Stroud in Bloom
Stroud Inner Wheel
Stroud Library
Stroud Local History Society
Stroud Methodist Church
Stroud Morris
Stroud Quaker
Stroud Rotary Club
Stroud Sea Cadet and Royal Marine Cadets
Stroud Shambles WI
Stroud Team Church Office and Stroud Deanery Office
Stroud Town Council
Stroud Trefoil Guild
Stroud U3A Patchwork and Quilting Group
Stroud Valley Community School
Stroud Valleys Project
Stroud Wassail
Stroud Women's Refuge
Stroud Woodcraft Folk
Sunflowers Suicide Support
Supertroupers Age UK Choir
Thrupp Primary School and Nursery
The Uplands Care Service
Uplands Good Campanions
Uplands Playgroup and Toddlers
Uplands Primary School
Val Dalby
Vogue Haircare
Weavers Independence Project (Independence Trust)
Wednesday Wives
Wendleberry Glass
Whiteshill Primary School
Wycliffe Choral Society