Stroud Parish Church
Saint Laurence
Previous Festivals
Community Christmas Tree Festival
2005 - 2019
Festival in 2010
Trees displayed by:
Our sixth Festival was held in December 2010 and if it can be said yet again, it was the best yet! We had another fantastic response to our invitations and had a staggering 89 decorated trees in the Church, some were displayed at pew height and the rest at floor level. We were of course very grateful to all who brought and decorated a tree.
At the start of the event, we invited Pete Wilson, BBC Radio Gloucestershire presenter, to switch on the lights together with the prize winners in our Children's Colouring competition. A great time was had by all.
5th Stroud St Laurence Brownies
5th Stroud St Laurence Rainbows
Abacus Removals
Acorn Day Centre - Age UK
All Saints Uplands, Choir
Amnesty International Mid-Glos Group
Benefice Bible Study Group
Care and Repair (Stroud) Ltd
Centre Christian Bookshop
Cheltenham and District Orchid Society
Cheltenham and Gloucester
Clockwise - Keeper of St Laurence Clock
Cotswold Health Centre
Cotswold Sewing Machines
Crazy Daisy Flowers
David Drew and Stroud Labour Party
Diane Harris - Craniosacral Therapist
Family Tree Funeral Company
Festival Organisers
Grace and Francesca Baker
Grange View Sheltered Housing
Grove Park Sheltered Housing
Guideposts Trust Day Services Stroud
Holy Trinity Church, Slad
Holy Trinity Church, Stroud
Home-Start Stroud and Dursley
Independent Stampin'Up! Demonstrator
James and Owen
Marah Trust
Michael Gamble Funeral Directors
Neil Carmichael - Stroud MP
Rachel Peglar Artworks
Randwick Bellringers
Revd Canon Barry Coker
Rodborough Tabernacle United Reformed Church
Rosary Catholic Primary School
Rotary Club of Stroud and Inner Wheel Club of Stroud
Saints Alive - Uplands
Shambles Market
Shambles Nursery School
Shambles WI
St John the Baptist Church, Randwick
St Laurence Bell Ringers
St Laurence Church Director of Music
St Laurence Flower Arrangers
St Paul's Whiteshill and Church of Holy Spirit Paganhill
St Rose's School, Stroud
Stroud and District Wine Circle
Stroud Cats Protection
Stroud CAP Centre
Stroud Ceilidhs
Stroud Choral Society
Stroud Court Community Trust
Stroud Deanery Mother's Union
Stroud Dog Training Club
Stroud Embroiderers Guild
Stroud Fairtrdae Group
Stroud FM
Stroud French Connections
Stroud History Society
Stroud Horiticultrual Society
Stroud in Bloom
Stroud News and Journal
Stroud Sea Cadet & Royal Marines Cadets
Stroud Town Council
Stroud Town District Guide President
Stroud Town District Guiding
Stroud Trefoil Guild
Stroud Valley Community Primary School
Stroud Valleys Wodcraft Folk - Sapling Woodchips
Stroud Women's Refuge - Beresford Group
Summer Street Area Community Association
The Door Youth Project
The Orders of St John Care Trust
The Stroud Drop in Community and Adult Care
Thursday Lunch Club
U3A Craft Group
Uplands Care Service
Uplands Community Primary School
Val Dolby
Vogue Haircare and Education
Volunteer & Community Action (Stroud District) - Ring & Ride
Walk the Rainbow - Mary Bovey
Whiteshill Primary School
Woodside Oldies Gardeners + 1